Danielle Singer
About Danielle
Danielle is a partner specialising in the defence of Catastrophic Injury claims on behalf of insurers. She has particular experience in dealing with claims of utmost severity involving brain, spinal and complex amputee claims.
She has over 27 years’ experience advising clients across the insurance market including single line insurers, the composite market and Lloyds syndicates. Her key clients include Admiral Insurance, for whom she leads our relationship with the Catastrophic Injury team, NFU Mutual and Allianz.
Danielle is one of the few lawyers in the country approved to handle claims exceeding £5million and routinely deals with cases pleaded in excess of £15 million. She is recognised for the collaborative approach which she takes to claims and frequently receives praise from opponents and the families of the injured Claimant for the approach she and her insurer clients have taken in dealing with cases.
Relevant experience includes advising:
- An insurer client in connection with the defence of a pedestrian RTA claim pleaded in excess of £15 million where the Claimant had been in a minimally conscious state. Liability was fully in dispute and the case was heading to a liability trial. Danielle was able to facilitate a commercial settlement of the claim at a fraction of the pleaded case as a relatively early stage in the claim, thereby avoiding considerable legal costs for both parties.
- An insurer client in connection with catastrophic injuries sustained by the Claimant following a tree fall from the insured’s land into the path of the Claimant’s car. The claim was pleaded at over £10 million. An added complexity of the case was a limit of indemnity on the policy which was lower than the value of the pleaded case. Danielle was able to ultimately achieve a compromise at a level below the limit, thereby protecting the interests of the lay Defendant and insurer client alike.
- An insurer in connection with the defence of an RTA claim in which the Claimant was rendered tetraplegic. The claim was pleaded at over £10 million. Liability was denied in full. The claim was ultimately compromised following an offer by the Claimant in the run up to the liability trial at a level which simply reflected the Defendant’s irrecoverable costs of trial had the claim continued.
Danielle is individually ranked by Chambers UK.
She was named Solicitor of the Year by Admiral Insurance in November 2018 and was one of only 2 lawyers on the Working Party of the IUA/ ABI 4th Bodily Injury Study.
UK Casualty
Motor Injury
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