Jennifer Lund



Jennifer is a dual-qualified solicitor and barrister, specialising in private international law. She acts in high-value, cross-jurisdictional cases involving serious brain and/or spinal cord injuries, mass fatalities, and medical negligence across the world.
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About Jennifer

  • Biography

    As a Spanish speaker, Jennifer is often instructed by Spanish and Latin American clients. She has an exceptional command of Spanish law, having worked alongside advisors to the Spanish Government and Spanish lawyers on the interpretation of Spanish law.

    Jennifer has unrivalled expertise in international terrorism cases, especially in an oil and gas context, having led a team in the In Amenas Inquests, which formed ground-breaking legal procedure for all inquests involving counter-intelligence matters. Jennifer also led a team in the employee In Amenas civil claims which were pioneering in bringing claims against employers in international terror attacks.

    Featured experience:

    Jennifer's relevant experience includes leading teams and representing parties in large-scale inquests and high-profile disaster cases such as:

    • the Tunisia Terror Inquests and civil cases
    • the Sol Rio de Luna y Mares Cuban roof collapse cases
    • Butt & Ors v D’Amato [2020] EWHC 3479 (QB) – a tourist bus crash in Malta in which several people were killed and c. 50 were injured, several of whom sustained catastrophic brain and spinal cord injuries

    Jennifer has also set landmark legal precedent in hybrid international brain injury/insolvency cases and conflict of laws regarding policy indemnity limits, costs, and legal interest in a serious injury case (see Hyde v SARA Assicurazioni [2014] EWHC 2881 (Ch) QBD).

Sector Expertise
  • Insurance

Service Expertise
  • Travel & Tourism

Office Location


  • 25 Walbrook
  • London
  • EC4N 8AF

+44 (0) 20 7242 1011

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