Rebecca Cooney
Rebecca specialises in insurance coverage law with experience handling insurance and reinsurance matters in both the UK and USA.
About Rebecca
Rebecca specialises in insurance coverage law with experience handling insurance and reinsurance matters in both the UK and USA.
She has over seven years’ experience providing coverage advice and representation to insurers and reinsurers in both the live and legacy market. Rebecca advises insurers and reinsurers across various classes of business including property and casualty, environmental contamination and remediation, product liability, personal injury, health hazard and asbestos injury.
As a dual-qualified lawyer, admitted to practise in the Senior Courts of England and Wales and in New York, Rebecca is uniquely suited to provide hands-on assistance and advice on matters involving both UK and USA law.
Relevant experience includes advising insurers:
- in an environmental coverage action in Missouri State Court which resulted in a novel insurance coverage determination regarding long-tail environmental liability under Missouri Law.
- in actions brought by third-parties under the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 in the UK, and under similar direct action statutes in the USA.
- in long tail coverage actions arising from the use and sale of products including herbicides, lead paint and asbestos.
- regarding the coverage complexities of assured liquidations and bankruptcies.
- on matters involving prior settlements, coverage-in-place agreements, and missing and lost policies.
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