William Kay

Senior Associate


Will is a Senior Associate in the Construction Group. He advises developers, contractors, consultants, subcontractors, purchasers and lenders on every aspect of contentious construction and engineering matters.
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About William

  • Biography

    Will is a Senior Associate in the Construction Group. He advises developers, contractors, consultants, subcontractors, purchasers and lenders on every aspect of contentious construction and engineering matters. He is totally committed to helping clients achieve the best possible result.

    Will regularly advises clients on claims relating to issues of payment, design, defective works and delay in adjudication proceedings and at the Technology and Construction Court.

    With experience in various forms of construction contract (including JCT, IchemE, MF/1 and NEC), and having extensive experience in contentious construction work, Will regularly assists clients in finding resolutions without the need for formal proceedings.

    Will has had careers in professional rugby and lecturing, and was previously a director of a contracting company which worked in the construction industry.

    Relevant experience includes:


    • a leading UK contractor in its claim against a design consultant in relation to the design of more than 10 fire stations;
    • a contractor in its claim against a consultant engaged to carry out structural surveys in relation to an extensive refurbishment of a school;
    • a main contractor defending a claim against an insolvent subcontractor in relation to a project at Kings Cross, London;
    • a manufacturer of structural steel in its dispute with an international supplier of intumescent paint products;
    • a contractor defending an adjudication claim in relation to a project to create a new biomedical facility;
    • a main contractor in its claim against a consultant in relation to the design of an emergency standby generator for a hospital;
    • a US supplier of energy from waste plant in a high value litigation; and
    • a developer defending an adjudication claim relating to a new housing development.
Sector Expertise
  • Real Estate

Service Expertise
  • Construction and Engineering


  • St Pauls House
  • 23 Park Square South
  • Leeds, LS1 2ND

+44 (0) 113 251 4700

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