We also look at a case on agency workers which establishes that there is no overarching agency relationship in place between agency work assignments where shifts were booked on a shift by shift basis. We also cover an indirect age discrimination case in which the EAT agreed (albeit for different reasons) the tribunal were right to dismiss an indirect age discrimination claim brought by a retired employee following changes made by his former employer's parent company to a long term incentive plan which had the effect of depriving him of shares and options.
1. Age discrimination: Indirect age discrimination claim failed where changes made by a former employer's parent company to a long term incentive plan deprived retired employee of shares and options.
In this case, despite the EAT finding discrimination, the claim failed because the parent company did not act as the employer's agent in relation to a share scheme.
2. Agency Workers: No overarching ‘agency relationship’ in place between agency worker assignments.
In this case the EAT upheld an employment tribunal's decision that there was no overarching ‘agency relationship’ in place between an NHS Trust and an agency worker between assignments.
3. Dismissal and re-engagement: Consultation Response and updated Code of Practice published.
The Government has responded to its consultation on a Draft Statutory Code of Practice on dismissal and re-engagement and an updated Code has been published.
4. Menopause: Guidance for employers published by EHRC.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published guidance on its website which aims to help employers understand their legal obligations when supporting workers experiencing menopausal symptoms.
5. Carer's Leave Regulations 2024.
The final formality to bring statutory Carer's Leave into force has occurred and the Carer's Leave Regulations 2024 have now been made.
6. Increase of tribunal awards and statutory rates of pay from April 2024.
Compensation limits for a week's pay and unfair dismissal awards will increase from 6 April 2024, and the annual increase in statutory payments for family leave and sickness will take effect from 7 April 2024.