Mark Ashley



Mark has extensive experience of representing institutional clients and individuals who are faced with the highest value, most complex, and most repercussive clinical negligence claims.
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About Mark

  • Biography

    Mark’s expertise spans private and public sector clinical negligence claims both within England and internationally.

    He led the defence of claims brought against the NHS arising from the activities of Ian Paterson, and now leads our team of lawyers who are dealing with all claims brought against the NHS relating to the use of mesh for the treatment of female urinary incontinence. 

    Mark has litigated at all levels in England, having won trials at the County Court and High Court, and appeals at the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

    He also has substantial experience of acting for foreign clients who either face English law proceedings or who seek his assistance in guiding local counsel in the defence of claims pursued in other common law jurisdictions. 

    Featured Experience

    • Acting for a German hospital (Allgemeines Krankenhaus Viersen) in the successful defence at the Supreme Court of a £10m+ contribution claim brought by the MoD. The case turned on whether the Civil Liability (Contribution) Act prevented our client from relying on a limitation defence provided by German law. See more. 
    • Successfully defending (at the High Court, Court of Appeal, and Supreme Court) a deeply tragic claim brought by an adult who caused their parent’s death. The resulting case law has redefined the scope of the illegality defence. See more.
    • Acting for the NHS in the case of CCC v Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, which examines whether and to what extent a lost years award should be made in cases where the claimant does not have, and is never likely to have, dependents. See more. 
    • Acting for the NHS in the Ian Paterson litigation. See more.
Sector Expertise
  • Health and Social Care

Service Expertise
  • Clinical Risk and Medical Malpractice


  • Bank House
  • East Pilgrim Street
  • Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6QF

+44 (0) 191 404 4000

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Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care


Health and Social Care