
We operate from eleven locations - Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Newport, and Southampton - providing one of the most comprehensive UK legal networks.

About us

  • Tricorn House
  • 51-53 Hagley Road
  • Birmingham, B16 8TP
+44 (0) 121 698 5200
Fax | DX
+44 (0) 121 698 5290 | 13057 Birmingham
Office facilities
  • Ground floor access barriers (DDA compliant)
  • Disabled access toilets on each floor, including ground floor reception and meeting rooms
  • Disabled access showers on each floor, including ground floor reception
  • Access ramps to front and rear of building along with disabled access doors (low level push button entry system)
  • Lift access to all floors
  • Disabled car parking spaces available at the front of the building
  • A fixed hearing loop is in place on the Francis Road side of the reception desk
  • Ground floor reception desk is DDA compliant (lowered desk counter) and accessible to wheelchair users
  • For office accessibility information, please call us

Key contacts in Birmingham

Our offices in the UK