Kate Abrahams
Head of Intelligence and Data Analytics
About Kate
Kate specialises in Intelligence and Data Analytics.
She has been with DAC Beachcroft since 2011 advising clients across a range of sectors including Insurance and she works with all clients of Claims Solutions Group.
Kate’s background in Policing means that she is able to advise clients in relation to intelligence, evidence and law enforcement related matters, particularly fraud. Kate’s expertise in data analytics is an area that clients have benefitted from advice and guidance.
Relevant experience includes:
- Chairing our Intelligence Forum; a unique collaborative intelligence sharing event held quarterly, delivering the latest fraud operations to our clients and working with them to defeat fraudulent claims and bring offenders to justice through referrals to law enforcement or other agencies. Our Operation Mickey has resulted in client savings of around £2 million, with hundreds of claims concluded.
- Delivering data analysis predictions and horizon scanning to the Future Series Fraud conference. Focusing on the changes in the fraud landscape as a result of the anticipated impact of the regulatory reforms. The data analysis highlighted distinct patterns in claimant solicitor behaviour, prognosis periods, the profile of the litigants in person litigation experience amongst other key observations. Kate also participated in a podcast to highlight these issues.
- Creation and implementation of our bespoke KYOTO solution as a KYO knowledge bank tool. This system was delivered to clients across the industry at a launch event and rolled out to 13 different clients as well as internal launch to ensure that clients benefit from cases being handled by our DACB teams. KYOTO puts the latest KYO information in the hands of clients and lawyers, ensuring they are maximising strategies and savings by countering claimant solicitor tactics.
In addition, Kate is a trained intelligence analyst by trade, having worked in the police for over 15 years. Kate was responsible for writing the first manual for analysts and travelled all over the world in her police career to talk about how to analyse crime, intelligence techniques and share knowledge with intelligence professionals. Kate won an international award for Excellence in Professional Intelligence Analysis and has delivered consultancy and training on an international stage to police forces and police teams.
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