Intellectual Property

Whether you are a public body, business, or an individual, your trade-marks, logos, goodwill and reputation are crucial assets to distinguish you from the crowd. Successful brand management is about maximising commercial success, and avoiding disputes, with intellectual property living at the heart of any strategy.


L'expérience de notre équipe s'appuie à la fois sur des accords commerciaux et sur des litiges, et nos experts juridiques peuvent vous aider dans tous les aspects de la gestion de marque et de la propriété intellectuelle, depuis la commercialisation, l'enregistrement des services de dédouanement et de surveillance internationaux, jusqu'aux licences et à la publicité des produits, ainsi que ainsi que le respect de la marque.

À mesure que la technologie progresse dans notre monde moderne, il est essentiel de connaître les opportunités et les défis en matière de propriété intellectuelle. Il faut souvent des années pour bâtir une marque ou une réputation respectée et, une fois endommagée, il peut être difficile et coûteux de la rétablir.

Our team's expertise spans across many sectors and industries, and our true fascination with brand management, and intellectual property application means our knowledge and understanding is unparalleled. We're uniquely prepared to support you in the challenges you may face in our ever-evolving digital world.

We advise businesses, individuals, insurers and public bodies on a wide variety of branding and intellectual property issues – including trade mark filing, portfolio management, brand clearance, domain name complaints, ISP take downs, trade mark opposition and cancellation proceedings, trade mark and passing off litigation, lookalike products, brand strategy and broadcast and non-broadcast advertising clearance.

We work with clients from brand inception, ensuring a favoured name or logo is available in the intended territories. We are experienced at negotiating coexistence agreements and resisting third party claims of infringement.

We support brand expansion and commercialisation through financing, corporate transactions, securitisation, assignment and licensing of rights. We provide a range of clearance services, including for product packaging designs and advertising and marketing collateral.

Where infringement issues arise – whether as claimant or defendant – our team has very substantial experience in steering a practical and commercial course with the aim of maintaining brand integrity.

Our holistic approach towards your intellectual property needs means we consider all aspects of your business objectives, product development, partnerships, and ventures. Legal issues are not seen in isolation but instead explore both the legal and commercial solutions to your challenges.

Featured experience

  • Advising an NHS Trust on the intellectual property and commercial issues pertaining to the charitable auction of artwork, donated by a world-renown contemporary artist.
  • Advising the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care, on its contractual suite regarding the licensing of patient datasets for clinical research purposes.
  • Advising the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, part of the Department of Health and Social Care, on the licensing of its educational materials, to include the Healthy Weight Coach elearning programme.
  • Advising the Department of Health and Social Care on the protection and enforcement of its intellectual property rights, to include matters involving trade mark infringement, domain name "cybersquatting", and passing off.
  • Advising the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health on the licensing of its innovative Digital Growth Charts API.
  • Advising Oxford University Hospitals on the intellectual property implications of integrating patient records with Apple Health Records for iPhone.
  • Managing the global trade mark portfolio for one of the world's most popular cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin;
  • Managing the international trade mark portfolios of several FTSE financial services companies;
  • Advertising copy clearance for leading international FMCG clients;
  • Brand protection through registered trade mark protection and enforcement.TRANSLATED

Intellectual Property key contacts

Who we are

Why choose DAC Beachcroft?

We’re a broad-based commercial firm serving a wide range of sectors with a strong heritage in insurance,
health and real estate. We combine excellent legal skills and cutting-edge delivery expertise to design
solutions that fit the needs of our clients – often involving clever uses of technology.