Stephen Johnson



Stephen is an experienced Partner specialising in defending complex personal injury claims for public bodies and private sector companies.

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About Stephen

  • Biography

    Stephen is an experienced Partner specialising in defending complex personal injury claims for public bodies and private sector companies.   He has over twenty one years' experience in all aspects of defendant personal injury during which time he has represented most of the UK's largest insurers, claims handlers and TPA's.  

    His main areas of expertise are handling high value and/or complex employers, public and occupiers liability matters often running into multi-million pounds in value.   Stephen has also developed a sub-specialism dealing with complex occupational stress, bullying and harassment claims.  Over the years Stephen has worked for numerous high profile clients such as the MOD, the Metropolitan Police and various FSTE companies. 

    He is currently defending a sensitive multi-million pound high profile fatality resulting out of an RTA which has generated significant national publicity and also involves a major European car manufacturer.

    Stephen has significant experience in all aspects of client care and has successfully managed several high profile accounts as the Nominated Client Relationship Partner.  He is heavily involved in business development and is a regular speaker at Insurance Industry Events, as well as providing bespoke training sessions at his clients request.

    Examples of experience:

    • Secured a discontinuance in this high value chronic pain claim after obtaining extremely favourable surveillance footage contradicting the Claimant's allegedly severe symptoms saving the client over £1.1m.
    • Significant savings secured for the client as a result of obtaining early expert evidence allowing for a JSM to take place prior to Directions commencing in an extremely complex functional neurological disorder matter. Settlement was achieved at £2.8m as against the Claimant's Schedule of £8.5m.
    • Trial win in high profile bullying and harassment claim involving a Police Officer who alleged he was a "whistle blower" in relation to a high profile child sexual abuse investigation. Stephen argued that the allegations made were provably false and such inroads were made during cross examination that the Claimant discontinued the action half way through the trial.
    • Secured an early discontinuance in a multi-million pound work place stress claim arising out of the allegedly distressing nature of the work and an excessive workload. The claim discontinued as a result of the extensive evidence put together during the pre-litigation stage involving a significant disclosure exercise whereby historic daily support logs, together with evidence from witnesses, caused such sufficient doubt in relation to the Claimant's version of events that the matter was discontinued, saving the client circa £2m.
    • Represented a Defendant in a catastrophic injury matter involving a young woman who suffered very significant burns whilst attending to a fire. Seven medical experts, plus employment experts, occupational therapists, accommodation experts etc., were instructed on both sides in a very complex maximum severity claim pleaded at over £13m.  The matter was handled in a robust but sensitive way on the instruction of the client, and as a result of the excellent evidence obtained, settled for £6.5m at an early JSM, saving the client over £7m on the pleaded claim.
    • Successfully repudiated a high value brain injury claim involving a child who had fallen from a piece of play equipment on the basis that the equipment met the requisite safety standards at the time and that the allegedly defective nature of the equipment was not the cause of the Claimant's accident in any event.
Sector Expertise
  • Insurance

Service Expertise

Office Location


  • St Pauls House
  • 23 Park Square South
  • Leeds, LS1 2ND

+44 (0) 113 251 4700

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