Alonso Garcia

Legal Director

Santiago de Chile

Alonso is an experienced lawyer with over 15 years of expertise, specialising in insurance industry matters, complex claims, and damage disputes.
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About Alonso

  • Biography

    Alonso has more than 15 years of professional experience. His practice has been focused on advising different sectors of the insurance industry and claims related to sectors such as mining, electricity distribution and generation, steel, among others, in highly complex matters.

    He has dedicated his professional practice to advising on damage disputes and claims management.

    Throughout his professional career he has participated in highly complex negotiations and legal proceedings, and has led the implementation and coordination of interdisciplinary legal actions in different areas of law for the insurance industry. In addition to his professional practice, he has been a professor at the Chilean Insurance School of the National Association of Insurers of Chile.

    Alonso holds a Master's Degree in Tort Law and Civil Liability.

    Awards and Endorsements

    • Since 2019, he has been highlighted by Best Lawyers in the Labor area, in Chile.
    • He is member of AIDA Chile and of the Center for Innovation and Development of Labor Law / CIDTRA.
Sector Expertise
  • Insurance

Service Expertise
  • Casualty Recoveries

  • Employment Practices Liability

  • Insurance

  • Large Loss Liability

  • Legal Indemnities

Santiago de Chile Skyline

Santiago de Chile

  • Avda. El Golf 40, Oficina 1401
  • Las Condes
  • Santiago de Chile

+56 2 2207 4455

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