Daniel Stephens
Legal Director
About Dan
Dan has over 20 years' experience in complex litigation and in advice to the professional services industry. He has been in both private practice and in-house, which gives him an enhanced appreciation of the issues that clients face. He has particular experience in dealing with claims involving audit, tax and insolvency practitioners, as well as dealing with several substantial long-running regulatory investigations.
Featured experience:
- Barings plc v Coopers & Lybrand and others [2003] EWHC 1319 (Ch) – a trial lasting nearly a year involving claims against auditors arising from the collapse of Barings Bank following the activities of the rogue trader, Nick Leeson
- AssetCo PLC v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2013] EWHC 1215 (Comm) – a successful refusal to provide pre-action disclosure
- Barclays Bank plc v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2015] EWHC 320 (Comm) – a claim struck out on the basis of an effective disclaimer
- Vincent Tchenguiz v Grant Thornton UK LLP and others [2016] EWHC 3727 (Comm) – a successful strike-out on the basis of a prior settlement agreement
- Qualification – Solicitor-Advocate
Accountants' Liability
Banking, Restructuring and Insolvency
Dispute Resolution
Professional Liability
