
Home to our global headquarters, our office is based in the heart of London and offers a full-suite of legal services both in the UK and internationally.

About us

Home to our global headquarters, our office is located in the Walbrook building in the City of London. We have our own exit at Bank Station, which is accessible via Central, Northern, DLR, or TFL lines. Cannon Street Station is also a two-minute walk from the building.

The building has disabled toilets and a shower, disabled access at the main reception, and lift access around the building.

Our central location means we have countless amenities within a 5-minute walk, including shops, hotels and gyms.

  • 25 Walbrook
  • London
  • EC4N 8AF
+44 (0) 20 7242 1011
Fax | DX
+44 (0)207 831 6630 | 45 London
Office facilities
  • 4 designated disabled car parking spaces
  • All the main lifts are accessible for disabled persons
  • Disabled access at the main entrance
  • Disabled shower located on the basement level
  • Disabled toilet located on ground floor and 3rd floor
  • For office accessibility information, please call us

Key contacts in London

Our offices in the UK