You can dip into the pool of experts according to the expertise you require, when you need it and be assured of a high quality, cost effective and bespoke solution designed to meet your organisation’s needs. Whether the job is large or small, complex or straightforward, we have an expert that can assist you.
How can we help you?
The People Pool is unique. The People Pool is an integrated services within DAC Beachcroft, not a separate entity, therefore we take responsibility for the service we provide. There is no one else out who offers the same combination of expertise, support, consultation and experience across a wide range of sectors. We do this by providing you with people we know, trust, have worked with, and have close oversight of. We make sure we find the right person for you to ensure you get the service you need.
Contact us
If you have a legal, HR, employment law or employment related issue, please contact us for a free discussion about the work and how we can assist. We’ll discuss your objectives, the timescale and budget and we’ll agree with you the skills and expertise required, so we can identify the consultants who meet the relevant parameters and provide you with their details, so you can choose who you would like to work with. Remember, the service is fully flexible so no work is too big or too small.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Call us: 0808 123 1230
Email us: thepeoplepool@dacbeachcroft.com

Case Studies
People Pool uses the integrated skills of both Employment lawyers and HR consultants to deliver seamless business focussed solutions.
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The People Pool is overseen by Nick Chronias and supported by Joanne Owers, partners in the Employment Pensions and Immigration team. Below is a list of the common questions we are asked and our responses.
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How we can help you
Our experience is formal processes often led to entrenched views and worsening relationships. Through our qualified mediators and work force resolution consultants we offer alternatives to reach amicable solutions through mediation and facilitation.
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Our People
We had one simple principle in finding The People Pool consultants: to provide you with people we know, trust and have worked with. Our consultants have worked for us, alongside us or instructed us.
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During the project, The People Pool delivered greatest impact with techniques to reduce risk and offered quick, practical responses to employee issues avoiding escalations and grievances.
Dr Michael Corrigall, Technology Director of Global Telecommunications Company
Provides a prompt and effective service which is delivered with integrity. The focus is on providing the customer with workable pragmatic solutions.
Deputy HR Director of an NHS Foundation Trust
DAC Beachcroft is recognised as a pre-eminent advisor to the insurance market, and we place a strong emphasis on the long-term relationships we build with you so that we can really add value to your business.
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Health and Social Care
DAC Beachcroft is regarded as market leaders in the provision of corporate, commercial and regulatory legal advice to healthcare providers.
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Real Estate
With 170 lawyers we are one of the largest Real Estate legal teams in the UK. Our extensive network gives us national, regional and local knowledge and access.
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Financial Services
We regularly advise product designers and manufacturers, trade bodies, and retailers, distributors and venture capitalists looking to invest in the financial services sector.
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As long-standing and trusted advisers in the technology sector, we deliver pragmatic and innovative solutions that empower you to make informed decisions about how best to maximise your success.
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Industry Specialisms
We combine our in-depth sector knowledge with astute commercial awareness and global reach.
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Contact Us
If you have a legal, HR, employment law or employment related issue, please contact us for a free discussion about the work and how we can assist. We’ll discuss your objectives, the timescale and budget and we’ll agree with you the skills and expertise required, so we can identify the consultants who meet the relevant parameters and provide you with their details, so you can choose who you would like to work with. Remember, the service is fully flexible so no work is too big or too small.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Call us: 0808 123 1230
Email us: thepeoplepool@dacbeachcroft.com