Licensing Fees

Please see below for some price and service information concerning applications for Premises Licences and applications to vary Premises Licences pursuant to sections 17 and 34 of the Licensing Act 2003. 


Applications for premises licences and variations pursuant to the licensing act 2003

The prices below are only an indication and will not be applicable in all circumstances or indeed for all types of applications. Please contact us for further information or a more detailed estimate for your particular application.

Personnel / Supervision

All people advising on client matters will be supervised by a partner or other senior lawyer. The supervisor will discuss and agree the strategy for every matter with all lawyer(s) working on a matter. Each client will be advised at the start of a matter of the name of the lawyer with day to day conduct of the matter, and their supervisor in their letter of engagement which is sent out at the beginning of our instruction.

The Application Process

The nature of each application for a Premises Licence and/or application to vary a Premises Licence can vary substantially. Consequently, the time required to prepare an application (and therefore the cost) also varies.

At the outset, during our initial discussions with you, we will seek to ascertain your objectives and advise upon the appropriate means to achieve your aims (it may be that there is a more suitable solution than applying for and/or varying an existing premises licence).

It is necessary for applicants to carefully consider how to prepare their application in order to demonstrate that the licensing objectives will be promoted. The licensing objectives are: the prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; the prevention of public nuisance; and the protection of children from harm. The steps required in order to promote the licensing objectives will depend on the nature of the premises and the licensable activities to be undertaken etc. We can assist you with this process and with the preparation of the application.

In preparing the application, it may be that we recommend a period of consultation with the responsible authorities and/or local residents etc so as to ensure that any of their reasonable concerns might be met prior to making the application. It may also be that it would be beneficial to obtain expert reports or guidance in respect of discrete issues (such as noise, relevant to nuisance) in order to help you establish what is required. These matters are determined on a case by case basis.

Once the application is made it must be advertised for a period of 28 days. If no representations are made during this time then the application will be granted. However, if representations are received by the licensing authority where any concerns have been raised concerning the application, then a hearing will likely take place within 20 days when the application will be determined.

In the event that representations are received then we will review and assess those representations with you prior to any hearing in order to determine what further steps might be taken in order to help satisfy the Licensing Committee that the application should be granted. We can also represent you at any hearing or, alternatively, instruct counsel to do so.

In the event that the application is unsuccessful, of if you are dissatisfied with its outcome, it may be possible to appeal the decision. Again, we would be happy to advise you on the merits of any appeal and the strategy to adopt in this regard.

Associated pricing

Estimates of fees:

Our estimates for acting in respect of the above mentioned applications would normally be within the region of £2,000 to £20,000 plus VAT (our guideline hourly rates are provided below). However, we must emphasise that we always assess the likely costs of each application on a case by case basis and the total cost associated with any application will depend upon the nature of the application, the extent to which our involvement is required and the matters referred to above. We are typically instructed in respect of the more involved and complex licence applications.

Please note that our initial estimates will ordinarily provide for:

  • our initial meeting / consultation with you;
  • consideration of what type of application, if any, should be made;
  • advising you of the options and the process involved;
  • assisting you with the preparation of any application; and

if deemed necessary:

  • liaising with the licensing authority and/or any other responsible authorities and/or local residents prior to making the application (although the amount of consultation required is obviously difficult to estimate); and
  • instructing and/or liaising with an expert

The initial fee estimate would not ordinarily include the costs of:

  • instructing counsel;
  • addressing any representations made in respect of the application;
  • preparing for and/or attending any contested hearing;
  • taking statements from any witnesses; or
  • advice or assistance in relation to any appeal

An application fee is also payable upon making either an application for a premises licence or an application to vary. Again, these vary considerably. A standard application fee is determined by the rateable value of the property and varies between £100 and £1095. An additional fee may also be payable or venues with attendances of more than 5,000 which is determined by the premises' maximum attendance. This additional fee can be as high as £64,000 per year for venues with attendances of over 90,000. These fees are inclusive of VAT.

Additional disbursements may include Counsel's fees, expert's fees and copying charges. These costs are dependent upon seniority of Counsel, type of expert and the amount of work required. Further information is provided on a case by case basis.

Hourly rates:

Our guideline hourly rates and VAT charged at 20% are as follows:

Prospective disbursements Hourly fee (GBP£) Hourly VAT (GBP£)
Counsel's fees £250 to £500 £50 to £100
Expert's fees £200 to £400 £40 to £80

Please contact us any further detail or if you wish to obtain a specific quote.

Copying charges range from 15p for an A4 B/W copy to £16.00 for an A0 colour copy. VAT will be applicable at 20%.

Hourly rates:

Our guideline hourly rates are as follows:

Grade London (GBP£) VAT (GBP£)
Partner £495 £99
Legal Director £495 £99
Senior Associate £440 £88
Associate £365 to £425 £73 to £85
Solicitor £300 to £345 £60 to £69
Chartered Legal Executive £245 £49
Trainee £150 £30
Paralegal £150 £30


Grade Regions (GBP£) VAT (GBP£)
Partner £390 £78
Legal Director £390 £78
Senior Associate £330 £66
Associate £265 to £310 £53 to £62
Solicitor £220 to £250 £44 to £50
Chartered Legal Executive £210 £42
Trainee £140 £28
Paralegal £140 £28

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