Alison Cassidy
About Alison
Alison specialises in complex personal injury claims and policy indemnity disputes.
Alison specialises in complex personal injury claims including amputations, complex regional pain syndrome and fatal accidents. Alison also advises client's on policy indemnity disputes and complex property actions.
She was appointed to the Civil Justice Advisory Board in 2018 and has been actively involved in local policy affairs, including the Civil Justice Review more recent changes to the NI discount rate. Alison is also a member of Civil Justice Council protocol sub-committee responsible for the County Court and High Court pre-action protocols and vulnerable witnesses protocol.
Professional memberships:
- Member of the Civil Justice Advisory Board.
- Member of Pre-Action Protocol Committee, Civil Justice Council.
- Law Society of NI Certificate in Advanced Advocate in 2012
- Guest speaker at Belfast Insurance Institute (BII) and Women in the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjustors (CILA) conferences.
Featured experience:
- G v S (2023) – Alison was instructed by the defendant insurer in a case where a 25 year old Plaintiff sustained significant brain injury, resulting in a pleaded loss of over £9M. Following early discussions with the Plaintiff's representatives, the case resolved for £3.5M.
- P v G (2023) –The Plaintiff sustained a brain injury, loss of bladder and bowel function, and spinal nerve damage as a result of an accident at work. Alison adopted a pragmatic and collaborative approach and the case settled for £1M within 8 weeks of Alison's instruction.
- Baranowski v Rice (2014) NIQB 122 – leading authority on the application of the indemnity principle and CFA’s in Northern Ireland.
- Clarke v McCullough (2013) NICA 50 – the Court of Appeal’s leading judgement on duration of credit hire and agency principle
Alison has been recognised by Legal 500 as a key lawyer:
‘Alison Cassidy is great – she’s incredibly knowledgeable about insurance law, and combines this with a strong commercial appreciation of what is important to her clients and what they need to know and comprehend. She’s a pleasure to work with.’
‘Alison is a very impressive partner. Alison also ensures a high level of client service and I know if I need her for anything, a very swift response will be received.”
(Legal 500)
Gobernanza de productos y formulación de políticas
Responsabilidad por productos defectuosos, seguridad y retirada de productos
Asesoramiento estratégico
Office Location

- 7ª planta Montgomery House
- calle Montgomery, 29-33
- Belfast BT1 4NX
+44 (0) 28 9024 6751
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