By Sharon McCaffrey & Sarah Meehan


Published 15 October 2020


The Companies Registration Office (the “CRO”) has announced that any company with an annual return date falling on or after 30 September 2020 will be deemed to have filed its annual return on time if all elements of the annual return are completed and filed by 26 February 2021. This exception does not apply to companies with an annual return date falling before 30 September 2020.

Under normal circumstances, a company is required to file its annual return with the CRO not later than 28 days after the annual return date of the company. Despite the filing deadline extension, companies are being encouraged by the CRO to file annual returns in the normal manner if they can do so.

As outlined in a previous update, the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (COVID-19) Act 2020 enables a company to hold its 2020 AGM later than it would ordinarily be permitted to do so under the Companies Act 2014 as long as it holds it on or before 31 December 2020. The annual return deadline extension facilitates companies who avail of the new laws regarding 2020 AGMs as a company cannot file its annual return until after it has held its AGM.
