International law firm DAC Beachcroft is pleased to announce that Pete Allchorne, a partner in its Claims Solutions Group, has been elected President of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers (FOIL).
During his year long tenure, Pete will be focussing on civil justice reform including the impact of the recent extension of fixed recoverable costs, the ongoing 'mixed injuries' litigation and the upcoming review of the personal injury discount rate, as well as the legal and regulatory issues impacting the future of road transport and the implications of digitisation of the sector.
Another focus will be on talent and the need to promote careers in insurance and risk to younger generations of lawyers.
Commenting on his appointment, Pete said: “It's a great privilege to be representing the collective voice of FOIL over the next 12 months. Insurance lawyers have been witness to, and significantly impacted by, a series of legal, socio-political and financial challenges in recent years - and there’s more to come in 2024. As president, I intend to ensure FOIL continues to provide a leading voice on issues that are affecting insurance lawyers, so they are prepared for the challenges they face in the year ahead.”
FOIL CEO Laurence Besemer added: “Pete is an experienced insurance lawyer who has been a member of the FOIL Executive Committee for a long time. He is the ideal candidate to lead the organisation into 2024.
“With all the change that is happening right now, FOIL continues to be a leading voice representing the defendant insurance legal community. FOIL’s members work collaboratively with one another to drive change, as well as with other representative organisations, and set the agenda through participation in government consultations and lobbying for reforms. This is all grounded in the reality of the most pressing issues insurers and their lawyers are facing. Pete, myself and the rest of the Executive Committee, will ensure this is continued into the next year.”
While Pete starts his FOIL presidency, DAC Beachcroft partner Toby Vallance has just completed his year as President of London FOIL, a division of FOIL that supports insurance and reinsurance law firms in the London and Lloyd's market.
FOIL represents over 8,000 insurance lawyers across the UK and Ireland, campaigning and collaborating to promote its members' views on reforming laws and procedural rules in relation to the claims environment.