This month there has been a particularly interesting case looking at settling future claims in a settlement agreement.
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By Hilary Larter, Zoë Wigan and Ceri Fuller
|Published 16 November 2022
This month there has been a particularly interesting case looking at settling future claims in a settlement agreement.
The Scottish EAT has held that settlement agreements cannot be used to settle unknown future claims.
The dismissal of an employee “vanished” as a result of her successful internal appeal, even though she did not wish to return to work (EAT).
The EAT has upheld a tribunal’s decision that an employer’s dismissal of an autistic employee for crossing professional boundaries was fair and objectively justified.
a. Carer’s leave
The government has announced that it is backing legislation which will give a day one right to carer’s leave to employees providing or arranging care.
b. Extension of redundancy protection for employees returning from family leave
Provided the bill is passed protection from redundancy while employees are on family leave will be extended so that it applies after the return from family leave.
c. Sexual harassment: Duty to prevent sexual harassment
Legislation will introduce a new duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment as well as bringing back employers’ liability for sexual harassment by third parties at work.
Hilary Larter
Ceri Fuller
Legal Director