
We provide bespoke real estate solutions to clients across the education sector. Our education specialists take a solution and results-focused approach. Whether complex development arrangements or business-as-usual asset management, we have the skills and expertise, in the right location, to help you.


We understand that your estate contributes to your institution's success and your students' experience, and that creating a sustainable built environment is a key priority for any educational establishment.

We are a leading real estate adviser to the higher education sector, providing a full range of property-related services to a several educational institutions, including universities.

Our expertise allows us to deliver work efficiently and effectively, in line with your acceptable risk policies and internal governance requirements.

We advise on all aspects of real estate investment, including:

  • the acquisition and disposal of properties including option and overage agreement
  • all landlord and tenant matters, including the management of student halls of residence
  • complex development agreements including forward funding arrangements
  • joint venture schemes
  • legislative and regulatory matters
  • property tax
  • property disputes
  • planning and environmental matters
  • construction contracts and disputes

Featured experience

  • Acting for a Russell Group university on the development of a 400-bed student accommodation unit through a joint venture arrangement
  • Acting for a leading Northern university on the strategic acquisition of a recently developed city centre scheme (value c. £80M), including complex due diligence on the construction aspects and negotiation of restrictions within the land transfer
  • Acting for a North Eastern university on the acquisition of a decommissioning hospital site to facilitate strategic development and the procurement of a JV partner, together with advice on the delivery of various phases through third-party disposal and direct construction
  • Acting for a large Lancashire college on the acquisition of a new £93m city centre campus, including the procurement of the professional team, construction contracts, title investigation and the completion of an option to acquire a large site of a leasehold basis
  • Acting for an independent school on the disposal of an existing site to a housebuilding consortium and the purchase of a new school site

Nos partenaires vedettes

Un mot de nos partenaires

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

Education key contacts

Qui sommes-nous ?

Pourquoi choisir DAC Beachcroft ?

Nous sommes un cabinet commercial à large assise, au service d'un grand nombre de secteurs, avec un solide héritage dans les domaines de l'assurance, de la santé (
) et de l'immobilier. Nous combinons d'excellentes compétences juridiques et une expertise de pointe en matière d'exécution pour concevoir des solutions
qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients - souvent en utilisant intelligemment la technologie.