Policy Wording

We support wordings teams with our sector expertise and advise insurers, reinsurers, brokers, MGAs and captives on all policy wordings and endorsements, from reviewing existing policies to developing new products. The team uses its industry engagement to share insights and know-how with you that will ensure your wordings are up-to-date and fit for the future.


Our insurance wording team provides expertise, capacity and assurance. Extensive industry experience means we provide proactive solutions and pragmatic advice

The team is also able to draw upon our corporate, commercial, data protection, regulatory and advisory teams to deliver a seamless and cohesive service.

Our team of specialists advise on all types of insurance and reinsurance wordings and contracts (both life and non-life). Work ranges from reviews of existing wordings (e.g. in light of GDPR, silent cyber, Consumer Duty, Brexit) to product development working closely with underwriting teams.

From drafting straightforward endorsements to complex bespoke wordings, our experience extends to personal lines as well as commercial lines.

Our UK wordings team is also supported by specialists in our international offices, enabling us to draft or “localise” wordings in a number of key jurisdictions.

Our long history of commitment to the insurance sector means that we have an unrivalled depth of experience and breadth of insight that adds immense value to our work for you.

Featured experience

  • Drafting bespoke policy wordings for specific risks including cyber, professional liability, trade indemnity, political risk, contingency, property, construction, energy and combined lines.
  • Amending standard form wordings to reflect specific risk requirements.
  • Reviewing existing policy wordings to address coverage issues, changes in the applicable law and market developments.

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Un mot de nos partenaires

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

  • Je voulais juste partager une note rapide et vous faire savoir que vous faites un très bon travail. Je suis content d'avoir décidé de travailler avec vous. C'est vraiment formidable de voir à quel point vos sites Web sont faciles à mettre à jour et à gérer

    Ross Elder

Policy Wording key contacts

Qui sommes-nous ?

Pourquoi choisir DAC Beachcroft ?

Nous sommes un cabinet commercial à large assise, au service d'un grand nombre de secteurs, avec un solide héritage dans les domaines de l'assurance, de la santé (
) et de l'immobilier. Nous combinons d'excellentes compétences juridiques et une expertise de pointe en matière d'exécution pour concevoir des solutions
qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients - souvent en utilisant intelligemment la technologie.