By DAC Beachcroft


Published 10 September 2020


Given the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the insurance sector will have to reassess that the Premium charged to each contract is exhaustive enough for the purposes of integrating a fund capable of dealing with this type of eventualities, so that, in the end, be an economically healthy fund that will allow us to face the coming global health realities.

In this correlation between the premium collected, against the risks covered; the general insurance theory foresees the possibility that the risk undergoes changes in the course of its validity. Thus, we find the concept of Risk Aggravation, which implies that as the possibility of materializing the expected risk increases, the insured must notify the Insurer, who will have alternative decisions, amongst which stand out rescission and even the cessation of its obligations by law.

Under the principle of equity, various sectors, groups, and even Regulators in other countries have recognized that just as the possibility of risk materializing may increase, also (for the benefit of policyholders) the scenario should be recognized in whichever risk decreases. As a result of the Pandemic, many have stopped using their cars, transportation of goods decreased, there were no shop robberies so several risks were minimized by the mandatory cessation of activities.

Due to this new reality, the Latin American Insurance Market is faced with a unique decision, whether or not to recognize Risk Attenuation. Mexico still does not have an official ruling in this regard, so we must follow it closely.