Mining and Environmental Law

We possess extensive experience guiding and offering a variety of services to companies in this sector. Our expertise spans from assisting with the incorporation process to facilitating the acquisition of mining rights. We specialise in negotiating, structuring, and drafting various agreements, including mining easements contracts, royalties, and surface rights. Additionally, we excel in negotiations with rural communities, among other services.


  • Mining assignment contracts
  • Royalty contracts
  • Petitions and concessions
  • Benefit concessions
  • Environmental management
  • Mining plan
  • Study of titles and purchase / sale of surface lands

Mining & Environmental Law key contacts

Qui sommes-nous ?

Pourquoi choisir DAC Beachcroft ?

Nous sommes un cabinet commercial à large assise, au service d'un grand nombre de secteurs, avec un solide héritage dans les domaines de l'assurance, de la santé (
) et de l'immobilier. Nous combinons d'excellentes compétences juridiques et une expertise de pointe en matière d'exécution pour concevoir des solutions
qui répondent aux besoins de nos clients - souvent en utilisant intelligemment la technologie.